Our Policies

Bowral Church of Christ is committed to providing places, services and programs that cultivate positive spiritual, emotional and physical well-being. Our aim is to demonstrate the love of Jesus to all individuals we interact with, especially children, young people, and vulnerable adults. We believe that implementing effective governance through practical policies enables us to love God and love people, whilst safeguarding our children, young people and vulnerable adults, ensuring community safety, and complying with state and federal legal requirements.

Our leadership (paid and volunteer) as well as any volunteers who may find themselves in any responsibility or leadership among children must have a current Working With Children Check and have been trained in the Creating Safe Spaces course.

Bowral Church of Christ has developed and is continuing to update our suite of policies and procedures to help us live out our Biblical mandate to care for and minister to all people, particularly vulnerable people, as well as meeting our responsibilities under Australian legislation to be a safe Church.

Our Code of Conduct is available here.

Other policies can be accessed by contacting us.